St abbs

Clare has provisionally booked a weekend diving at St Abbs in June next year, situated just over the Scottish border. This is a tiny, picturesque ancient harbour with some of the best diving Scotland has to offer. The skipper (Paul Crowe) is extremely knowledgeable with MV Shore Diver which is a purpose built dive boat with lift. (This is the last weekend available in June)

Max depth of diving will be around 20m so the trip is open to all divers.

The diving costs £65 per day for 2 dives total £130 over the 2 days.
Paul also has the bunk house which can accommodate 10 people £60 per person for 2 nights Friday and Saturday. The bedrooms sleep ten persons on the comfortable bunk beds. There are three rooms in the dive lodge, room 1 has two beds and rooms 2 and 3 have four. All three rooms are ensuite. This is self-catering and has a kitchen and the conservatory can fit 10 people in.

In the yard is a decent sized BBQ which is available for all guests to use, there is also a large kit room for drysuits/kit and we gear.
Parking: There are 3 spaces outside but other parking is available at the harbour.
You can be from Bed to Boat in around 30 seconds.
Total cost £190.00 for diving and accommodation.

To add to this would be food, fuel and air fills (currently £8) which Paul has a compressor.

Please contact Clare

St abbs
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Jun 14 - 15 2025


8:00 am - 6:00 pm