Hi All – Just a reminder that I’m going up to Capernwray tomorrow (Saturday 12th August). Anyone else is more than welcome to join me for a bit of pleasure diving – just drop me a message so that I know to expect you!

So far, I have:

· Me!

· Ann Bailey

· Linda Marsh

· Will Booth (with Dad Paul)

· Alastair Sheraton (new PADI diver keen to get experience)

· Adrian Ward (SO3)

· Simon Chatterton (drysuit)

As usual, try to arrive for 8:30am in order to grab a good car parking spot (top half, right hand side as you enter). Entry is £12 per diver, airfills are £4. If you haven’t previously joined Capernwray then you’ll need to register (£10 for 6 months or £25 life membership).

More dive site details are available at: www.dive-site.co.uk/

Diving @ Capernwray Tomorrow
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