Greetings All,

This is the first of a monthly update to keep members in the loop about forthcoming club activities. If you have any news items that you’d like to include in these updates then please speak up! Diving kit for sale? Ideas about trips or training? Social events? And anything else diving related!!

Firstly, Monday 18th December is the last pool night of 2017. That means it’s open for a free-for-all. Come along, dress up, act daft (but safe!), and enjoy yourself with your equally daft club members!

Alan has now set a date for his ‘Pot’ dive at the York diving college – Sunday 25th March. Please let him know ASAP if you would like to go. Total cost is £50 with £25 deposit payable up front.

Barnsley BSAC has extended a number of trip invites to us as follows:

These book up quickly, so let Rob know if you’re interested.

MarkW asked about use of the Barnsley 4m pool (Tuesday evenings) for a bit of depth. Barnsley BSAC participate in the BSAC ‘pool share’ scheme, so you’re all welcome to use it! There is a small fee of £3 per session. It’s best if you bring your own kit. Barnsley kit can be hired on the night by pre-arrangement. Its also best if you can let the Barnsley Training Officer know that you’re coming –

Well done Richard Slater for spotting the recent changes to the club website – Chocolate Orange was awarded and shared out to grateful club members in the Bluebell Inn!

Finally, don’t forget the Xmas meal booked at Lundhill Tavern on Saturday 16th December!

Have fun, dive safe, and, have a truly wonderful xmas and prosperous 2018!!


News Digest – December 2017
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