Happy new year everyone

Pool is open for snorkelling and swimming

Sammy snorkelling with twins and James

Pam scuba with Samuel

Potentially 2 new members joining club and for try dives tonight: Richard
and Nigel can you do orientation to club and take them in pool please? Ian
and Rob can you assist

Chris can you take OJ in pool in drysuit please – he has suit

Chaf will you take josh in pool recap on all skills

Michele R and Hayley your free to practice skills again in pool

Kerry will do ST3 with Carly, Chris and Jess and anyone else that needs
sports ST3

Geoff is doing practical CPR with anyone that needs to complete this skill.
oliver, Alfie, will you complete this as well tonight

Rob M will finish ST4 with Mark and Carolyn. Time permitting go on to
discuss drysuit ready for pool session

Tony will you do OT1 / 2 with Cherry please

Andrew, Ricky, Rick, Marie, Bev, Hayley R, Simon and anyone else can you
let me know what you need


Training plan for 6 January 2020
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