Revised training plan for tonight
Snorkelling Twins, James with Sammy or Alan
Oliver – Theory test 6 with Pam prior to open water (on 18th August)
Thomas – Theory test review 1-3 with Pam
Sam Simpkin – can you let me know if you are at pool this week
Andrew and Matt D – pool skills check out prior to open water with Dave K (open water 18th August)
Carolyn and Matt – Theory with Richard
Ellen – pool refresher with Ann prior to open water ( open water on 18th August)
Owen and Chris – review theory OT3 with Kerry
Ian, Lara, Emily and Alfie – sports theory test with Mark
Bev, Marie, Stephen and Hayley – pool compass work with Rob
Paul, Darren – pool is open for rebreather skills drills 
Rob, Leigh – pool is open 
Rick pool is open if you want to go in
Alasdaire – we need to confirm confirm availability for open water please
If I have forgotten anyone let me know
Apologies: Samuel, Bruce, Jade, Geoff, Chaf, Simon R, Simon & Jennifer, Carly, Matt/Nikyla, Nigel

Revised training plan 12 August
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