Hi all, see below
Training plan:
Snorkellers – pool is open for you
Swimmers – pool open for swimming
Darren pool open for you
Richard in pool with Twins
Martin: qualified diver attending who wants to get back into diving. Didn’t attend last week but may turn up tonight. e has been told to ask for Mark / Pam
Kit store: Leigh, Sue helped by Ian and Alfie. Once trainees in water Ian and Alfie doing line laying with Pam
New trainees:
OJ complete OS1 in pool on scuba please with Alan
Eleanor first OS1 in pool with Kerry
Joshua Hoyle OS1 in pool with Chaf
Ocean divers:
Matt D refresher in pool with Dave K
Mark T– pool skills concentrating on CBL with Carolyn –. Both overseen by Sammy
Michelle – OS3 in pool with Richard
Owen and Chris in pool with Bruce and Jade
Sam S in pool with Nigel practicing OS3/4
Sports divers:
Ian, Alfie, Line laying in pool with Pam
Carly, Marie, Ricky to finish ST4 with Chris. Stephen and Marie to join this group if they attend
Hayley L ST2 theory with Paul T
If I have missed anyone let me know. Obviously remember there could be changes on the night for unforeseen reason