Hi all see below

We have lots of kit coming back to pool tonight so a hand bringing it in
would be helpful.

We are completing rescue skills : resuscitation and oxygen admin for those
that did in water rescue this weekend and anyone else that needs a refresh.
In this group : Kerry, Hayley L, Rick and ? Son, plus anyone that needs
refresher. This will be in training room with Paul

Pool is open for anyone that wants to swim snorkel or qualified divers
practicing skills

James snorkelling

Carolyn and mark are in pool refreshing skills using hood gloves etc. Ian
if your in pool on scuba will you keep eye on them

Michelle in pool working on AS and CBL with Pam

Alfie and oliver in pool together as buddy pair practicing skills

Joshua in pool doing OS2 with Dave K
OJ in pool doing OS2 with Alan

Owen and Chris refresh theory skills for OT1/2 with Bruce and jade. You can
go back in pool next week.

Sports divers: Hayley R and Rick don’t forget revision for exam next week

Ricky b, Marie finish theory started last week with Rob

Carly, Stephen, Bev, let me know what you want to do and I will sort it

If I have forgotten anyone let me know

apologies Hayley R, Sam S, Shaz, Chaf, Tony, Mark, Samuel

Training plan 7 October
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