Hi all, don’t forget it’s AGM tonight so we will need to vacate pool by
9.25 please

Richard, Chris, Nigel with Darren doing lesson planning for PIE

Dive leaders doing role of the Dive Manager with Geoff

Sports: Paul T finishing off ST4 with Andrew. Then doing ST6, sports divers
needing this session or wanting a recap please join Paul. Oliver, Alfie
join this group.

Tony completing OT2 from slide 17 with Samuel

Alan doing recap preparation for ocean exam with Josh and OJ

Open for swimming and snorkelling

James, George and Twins with Sammy
David new member OS1 with Chaf
Ed OS1 with Jade
Martin OS1 with Bruce
Cherry OS1 with Dave K
Daniels nephew try dive with Pam, bringing own BCD
Bev in pool practice skills. Jayne will you buddy Bev if your in pool
Michelle and Hayley in pool trying regs

Chris and Jess, booked barnsley Tuesday for drysuit. Both in pool tonight
practicing skills. Paul to bring drysuit for Chris to try

If I have forgotten anyone let me know


Training plan Monday 10 January
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